Gib Sailing offers the most dynamic online RYA courses which are delivered by Skippers online, specialised in online training.
Your personal RYA shore based course Instructor gives you support and tuition throughout. You sit the exam at home in your own time.
Skippers Online is a Recognised RYA Distance Learning Centre based in the UK. As of March 2018 they have taught over 2,500 RYA Day Skipper and Yachtmaster Theory students in 65 countries online.
We employ the same state-of-the art technology chosen by major corporations such as IBM, Microsoft and Sony to deliver online training to their employees. Our lessons run on Windows PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones and Android devices
If you don't always have access to an Internet connection, you can view lessons offline on an iOS or Android device.
Straightforward, narrated and animated, step-by-step instructions, incorporating regular quizzes and exercises, teach navigation, meteorology, the collision regulations, buoyage and safety at your own pace.
Money Back Guarantee. We know that choosing whether to study in a conventional classroom environment or online is a big decision and want all our students to be 100% satisfied with their choice, so we offer a 14-day money back guarantee

14 lessons
More than 30 quizzes and exercises that check your understanding of each topic
1000s of 3D images, animations, videos, downloadable resources and external references
Instructor Support 7 days a week
12 months access
Unlimited exam attempts
RYA Course Completion Certificate when you've passed your exams
2 RYA Training Charts
The RYA Training Almanac
Course Handbook
Free 1st Class UK Delivery (+£10 for Europe, £20 Worldwide)
Optional Plotter & Divider Kit (£28)

We prepare you carefully for the final exams, which are taken online after you've attempted mock papers. If you don't quite make the grade we provide detailed personal feedback, suggest relevant additional study and allow unlimited resits.

We use realistic 3D graphics and videos to illustrate scenarios exactly as they might appear from onboard your vessel. This is particularly valuable when teaching The Collision Regulations, Buoyage and Pilotage.
For aspiring skippers who wish to gain an entry level qualification enabling them to skipper sailing or motor yachts, including charter vessels, in countries that require certification.
Buy Now £295
Free Trial
14-day unconditional money-back guarantee
25% off for 2 or more bookings
12 months access
24*7 Instructor Support (from UK and Thailand)
Student Pack (2 charts, training almanac & course handbook)
RYA chart-plotter software
13 fully-narrated lessons (not just the animations) including including realistic 3D graphics and embedded quizzes with instant feedback
13 self-assessment exercises with fully worked answers
Radar & AIS Training
Videos covering: updating paper charts, engine checks, dismasting, jury rig, flood control, firefighting, gas explosions, capsize, lifejacket checks, how to put on a lifejacket and what happens when it inflates, man-overboard recovery, launching and boarding a liferaft
Downloadable US Chart 1 (5011 equivalent) + 48 other downloadable or linked resources
Mock Exams with automatic feedback
2 Final Online Exams with detailed instructor feedback and unlimited attempts. You can arrange your own invigilator.
Unlimited free exam resits
RYA Day Skipper Theory Course Completion Certificate to support your practical course or a professional qualification
Download lessons to run offline on iPads, iPhones and Android Devices
2 Years further access to training materials once you’ve completed the course
UK Delivery by First Class Post
Top quality Portland Plotter and brass chart dividers, £28
European delivery by Airmail Tracked & Signed For, £10
Worldwide delivery by Airmail Tracked & Signed for (where available), £20
Worldwide courier delivery, £35
Additional 6 months, £50 or 12 months, £80
Chart Familiarisation
Tidal Heights
Tidal Streams
The Compass & Position Fixing
Dead Reckoning & Estimated Position
Course to Steer
Electronic Navigation
Passage Planning
The Collision Regulations
Safety & Protection of The Environment
An advanced course for experienced skippers studying towards formal certification to command vessels up to 200GRT or to apply for a MCA Master 200 Oral Examination
Buy Now £315
Free Trial
14-day unconditional money-back guarantee
25% off for 2 or more bookings
12 months access
24*7 Instructor Support (from UK and Thailand)
Student Pack (2 charts, training almanac & course handbook)
RYA chart-plotter software
15 fully-narrated lessons (not just the animations) including including realistic 3D graphics and embedded quizzes with instant feedback
15 self-assessment exercises with fully worked answers
Videos covering: updating paper charts, engine checks, dismasting, jury rig, flood control, firefighting, gas explosions, capsize, lifejacket checks, how to put on a lifejacket and what happens when it inflates, man-overboard recovery, launching and boarding a liferaft
Downloadable US Chart 1 (5011 equivalent) + 48 other downloadable or linked resources
Radar & AIS Training
Mock Exams with automatic feedback
3 Final Online Exams with detailed instructor feedback and unlimited attempts. You can arrange your own invigilator
Unlimited free exam resits
RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course Completion Certificate to support your practical course, professional qualification or MCA Master 200 Oral Exam
Download lessons to run offline on iPads, iPhones and Android Devices
2 Years further access to training materials once you’ve completed the course
UK Delivery by First Class Post
Top quality Portland Plotter and brass chart dividers, £28
European delivery by Airmail Tracked & Signed For, £10
Worldwide delivery by Airmail Tracked & Signed for (where available), £20
Worldwide courier delivery, £35
Additional 6 months, £50 or 12 months, £80
Charts & Other Publications
Definition of Position, Time, Speed & Distance
The Compass (including allowance for deviation and swinging the compass)
Tidal Theory
Tidal Heights (including secondary ports)
Tidal Streams (including interpolation of drift)
Estimated Position
Course to Steer
Visual Aids to Navigation
Electronic Aids to Navigation
Passage Planning
Meteorology (including interpreting surface pressure charts)
The Collision Regulations
Safety & Protection of The Environment
Go straight to the top with our combined Day Skipper & Yachtmaster theory course. Includes both sets of exams and RYA Course Completion Certificates.
Buy Now £490
Free trial
14-day unconditional money-back guarantee
12 months access
24*7 Instructor Support (from UK and Thailand)
Student Pack (2 charts, training almanac & 2 course handbooks)
RYA chart-plotter software
28 fully-narrated lessons (not just the animations) including realistic 3D graphics, embedded quizzes with instant feedback
28 self-assessment exercises with fully worked answers
Radar & AIS Training
Videos covering: updating paper charts, engine checks, dismasting, jury rig, flood control, firefighting, gas explosions, capsize, lifejacket checks, how to put on a lifejacket and what happens when it inflates, man-overboard recovery, launching and boarding a liferaft
Downloadable US Chart 1 (5011 equivalent) + 48 other downloadable or linked resources
Mock Exams with automatic feedback
5 Final Online Exams with detailed instructor feedback. You can arrange your own invigilator
Unlimited FREE exam resits
2 * Course Completion Certificates to support your RYA Practical Courses, professional qualifications and MCA Master 200 Oral Exam
Download lessons to run offline on iPads, iPhones and Android Devices
2 Years further access to training materials once you’ve completed the course
UK Delivery by First Class Post
Top quality Portland Plotter and brass chart dividers, £28
European delivery by Airmail Tracked & Signed For, £10
Worldwide delivery by Airmail Tracked & Signed for (where available), £20
Worldwide courier delivery, £35
Additional 6 months, £50 or 12 months, £80
21st Century Navigation is vulnerable to GPS failure. Hackers might penetrate the system, terrorists might jam the signal, solar storms might take out satellites or, more likely, your own onboard systems could fail. Exactly this happened to our school principal after a lightning strike.
Buy Now £295
The ultimate backup is a sextant, accurate timepiece, nautical almanac and a set of, what are known as "sight reduction tables". However whilst the process of translating a sextant sight into a position line is straightforward it is quite challenging to get to grips with. Unlike classroom training, where time is limited and students progress at different rates, online learning allows you to participate in lessons as many times as you wish. rewind and replay. You can also repeat exercises and, if you struggle to get to the correct answer, we'll guide you through step-by-step.
Kipper Sailing's online RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased course comprises 13 online lessons and numerous self-assessment exercises.
Introduction & Basic Astro Navigation Theory
Using a Sextant
Meridian Passage
Sun Sights
Plotting Your Position
Planet Sights
Moon Sights
Star Sights
Latitude by Polaris (The Pole Star)
Compass Check by Sun's Amplitude
Ocean Weather & Tropical Storms
Passage Planning
Satellite, HF communications and obtaining weather data
See here to view the first lesson.
At the end of the course, you'll be set an exam and, if you pass, we'll issue you with a RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean course completion certificate.